Question 8:
Which of the following is NOT among the content of Auditors reports?
A. The heading
B. Period covered
C. Details of fees charged
D. Work done
E. Name of the Auditor and the date the report was signed
The correct answer is (C)
Past Question Review:
The auditor's report is a document containing the auditor's opinion on whether a company's financial statements comply with GAAP and are free from material misstatement.
The auditor’s report should contain a clear written expression of opinion on the financial statements taken as a whole. The auditor’s report includes the following basic elements, ordinarily in the following layout:
a) Title;
b) Addressee;
c) Opening or introductory paragraph
i. Identification of the financial statements audited;
ii. A statement of the responsibility of the entity’s management and the responsibility of the auditor;
d) Scope paragraph (describing the nature of an audit)
i. A reference to the International Standards of Auditing (ISAs) or relevant national standards or practices;
ii.A description of the work the auditor performed
e) Opinion paragraph containing:
i. A reference to the financial reporting framework used to prepare the financial statements (including identifying the country of origin of the financial reporting framework when the framework used is not International Accounting Standards); and
ii. An expression of opinion on the financial statements;
f) Auditor’s signature.
g) Auditor’s address; and
h) Date of the report;
The correct answer is (C)
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